Wednesday, February 18, 2009





1. What does the application attempt to “teach”?

The application that I choose is from It was attempt to teach about vocabulary, grammar and writing. This website is very useful for the students and teachers. It provides many vocabulary and grammar activities which can enrich their understanding on grammar and vocabulary. This website also can help the students to know about the rules and examples of grammar for examples Adjectives, Adverbs and so on. This application also tries to help the students and teachers about how to deal with work and sentence level, paragraph level, essay and research paper level, ask grammar, quizzes and search devices, peripherals and power point and grammar poll ,guestbook ,awards. This website also teaches about punctuation. The students and teachers can make this website as their guidance in teaching and learning process.

There is also a dictionary which is Merriam Webster in this application and the teacher and students can search for new words and meaning of the difficult words. This application also teaches about the clauses, confusable words and so on.

2. What sorts of things is the application user expected to do with regards to learning the content?

In my opinion, this application can help the students and teachers in teaching and learning process. This application can help the students to understand more about the grammar. They will also learn about the rules of grammar such as tenses, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions and so on. They also can construct sentences using correct grammar. They also can enrich their vocabulary. For example, when they learn about the grammar, they can construct a good essay with bizarre words. As a student, they should enrich their vocabulary in order to produce a good essay. This website also promotes a search engine which can help the students to find help on grammatical issues, tips on composition and advice on English usage. This website also provide sample essay which the students can refer to.

The teacher also can use this website to get exercises that can be taught during the revision or as homework for the students. Most of the guidance was useful for the teachers to apply and use during the teaching and learning process. This website also have index that the teacher can use as reference to corporate this website. As a teacher, he or she should variety their approach in order to make the students’ enjoy with the learning process.

3. What sorts of computer skills is the application users expected to have in order to operate/ access/ use the application?

In my opinion, the users should have the computer literate. They should know about IT (Information Technology). Nowadays most of the things are can be access through online. So, the students and teacher should know how to use the internet applications. The users should know how to use computer. This application needs the users to click at the topic that they want to know. This application also needs the students to know how to use internet.

4. While you are “playing” / “accessing” / “assessing” the application, does it remind you of anything you do in a classroom, or with a teacher, or with a fellow classmate, or in self-study?

In my opinion, while I was “playing” / “accessing” / “assessing” the application, this was remind me of anything that I do in a classroom with a teacher, fellow classmates and in self-study. For example, during my school time, my teacher always teach me on how to understand the rules of the grammar then will proceed to the exercises. My friends and I also should memorize the rules of grammar before enter the class. During my school time, my friends and I also share opinion on the tenses. This application also does drilling to the students. In my point of view, this application can help the students to master the understanding in learning English. During my self study, I also read about the sample essay and try to generate ideas. The use of dictionary also can help the students and teachers in operating this application.

5. Can you pinpoint some theories of language learning and/or teaching underlying the application?

There are some theories of language learning and teaching underlying the application. As a teacher, we know in general terms what is involved in the process of language learning, but unfortunately, we do not know with certainty how a person learns a second language. The cognitive theory places emphasis on the learners and how they organize their knowledge. Instead of repetition and drills, cognitivists propose teaching learners how to analyse problems and how to think themselves. One of the pioneers in this theory is Noam Chomsky who maintained that language is not a form of behaviour but an intricate rule-based system. Cognitivists view language as an active process in which the learners are constantly required to think and make sense of new information they receive, to seek to discover the underlying rules and apply them to make original sentences. For example, this website shows that the students have to understand by themselves about what they are learning. This shows that the students should have their independence learning.

The other theory is behaviorists theory whereby the pioneer, Skinner stated that stimulus-response reinforcement theory to the way humans acquire language. He views language as a form of behaviour. The reinforcement is very important in the early stages of learning, and should be given frequently. Each step of the learning process should be as small as possible so that correct behaviour is reinforced with rewards and mistakes are correct immediately. From this theory, the application can be applied for the students to learn about the grammar and vocabulary and try to understand about the rules of grammar. This application also can help the teachers and students to answer the exercises and have the grammar response on the topic related.

  1. How well is the constructivist theory of learning applied to the chosen website(s)?

A major theme in the theoretical framework of Bruner is that learning is an active process in which learners construct new ideas or concepts based upon their current/past knowledge. The learner selects and transforms information, constructs hypotheses, and makes decisions, relying on a cognitive structure to do so. Cognitive structure (i.e., schema, mental models) provides meaning and organization to experience and allow the individual to "go beyond the information given".

The constructivists theory of learning applied to the chosen website whereby the teacher should use different types styles of teaching instead of chalk and talk. When the teacher uses this website, it can help the students to understand more about the topic and they will understand more. This application is suitable for all level of students. The teacher still has to guide the students to use the application. This application was suitable for the students who want to change their perception towards the usual teaching materials. This application needs the students to discover by themselves and answer by using their previous knowledge.

  1. In 1980s and early 1990s, there was a major debate on ‘whether the computer was “master” of or “slave” to the learning process (Higgins and Johns, 1984). In relation to your evaluation – was the computer a replacement for teachers, or merely an obedient servant to students?

In my opinion, the computer does not a replacement for teachers or merely an obedient servant to students. Instead of using computer, the students still need guidance from the teachers. We are looking forward to the globalization era where all the things should be advance. All things will be settling by machine and so on. But, I still feel that there should be guidance by the teachers. It is not easy to do something without getting opinion from the other people. Computer is just a machine and the students themselves should use their understanding pertaining to the topic discussed.

The computer cannot be the obedient servant for the students because the students will become lazy and they totally depend on the computer without think the things outside them. The computer also makes the students carried away by it. For example, when the students play game, they will be carried away and forget about their homework and the other things.

The computer also cannot replace the teachers in classroom. The students still need guidance from the teacher. The teacher also cannot depend totally on the computer. Computer can help their teacher to plan and conduct the lesson in the interesting way. This will make the students enjoyed the class and become eager to learn.

  1. Would you like to use the application yourself in your future work?

Yes? Give reasons:

No? Give reasons:

In my humble opinion, I will use this application in my future work. It was because the application can help me to variety my teaching materials. Instead of that, it also can help the students to understand more about grammar and vocabulary. This will help them to produce a good essay.

This application is easy to get wherever there is an internet connection. This application also can help them to improve their language. The activities are interesting. There is also a power point form of information. The teacher can present the information to the class. This will make the students to focus on the topic given. This application also provides the students with the paragraph development of the essay. So, the teacher can take it as guidance in correcting the students’ work.

  1. Suggestions/Recommendations.

In my humble opinion, I will suggest that the programmer should change the font size and make it bigger so that the students can clearly see it. If the font is big, the students also can clearly refer to the website. The choice of font also should be in a clear font and not decorative ones.

The programmer also should provide colourful illustrations so that will enhance students’ motivation to refer to this application. Students will easily attract with the interesting and attractive website. This will make them more interested to the application. The programmer also can add sound and music to make this application more attractive and applicable to the students.

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